

Construction EngineerING Jobs

Engineering jobs within the construction industry feature highly on the UK shortage occupation list. In fact, this is not unique to the UK, there is a shortfall the world over. At GTS, we are always in need of skilled, technical engineers from a variety of backgrounds to fulfil the ongoing demand from our construction clients.

Engineering UK reports that the country needs 1.8 million new engineers and technicians by 2025. Filling this demand will result in a major contribution to the UK economy, allowing projects to materialise bringing additional revenue into the country. Its also important to mention that each engineer placement results in the emergence of related support roles, further opening employment opportunities in the sector.

 As a result, engineering is a highly desirable career route for those considering their options in the construction industry. The perception of engineering is changing. Advances in technology, training and industry placements are encouraging the next generation to consider engineering as an attractive career option for the future.

 High-performing job seekers looking for the best Engineering jobs in construction are well placed to negotiate great terms.

What kind of EngineeRING Jobs are available?

We place engineers across a range of disciplines and experience levels. From apprenticeship schemes, entry-level roles, technical support functions as well as managerial positions.

  • Electrical engineers

  • Mechanical engineers

  • Civil engineers

  • Design and development engineers

  • Production and process engineers

The focus on renewable energy and how this works in planning buildings of the future is also creating an influx in demand, especially for those with transferable skills from other relevant engineering branches.

We also cannot ignore the relevance of engineering in the advances in transport infrastructure across the country. Using HS2 or Cross Rail as obvious examples, the scale of projects in the pipeline shows no sign of diminishing anytime soon, providing long-term job security and ongoing opportunities for skills and career development.

 It’s an exciting time in the world of engineering jobs and we would love to assist you in your career aspirations. Speak to us to find out more about our opportunities.